Sunday, July 25, 2010

Six Flags

I went to six flags to celebrate my 12th birthday with my dad and three friends, Bryce, Danny and Tyler. I was looking forward to a day of complete fun.

First we stopped by Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch, that was when I was crowned the Buffalo Wild Wing Princess.

When we got to Six Flags we went on twister after we put our belongings in a locker. Twister was fun but they strap you in so tight after you can barely walk.

We took a picture with Batman and Wonder Woman. I'm the one on the right posing like Flash, Danny, the one in the yellow is posed like Superman, so is Tyler the one in the white, and Bryce, the one in the green, is posed like Green Lantern

Flashback was fun, it was worth the long wait, that was the reason that Bryce didn't go on, or was he scared?

I loved mind eraser, it's not not the best ride if you want a smooth ride, you feel some aches in the morning like I did.

Batman was awesome at night, it was very fast, i think our faces show that, luckly Tyler didn't go on, that would've made him fell more sick.

The day was even more fun than I had hoped on it being, I couldn't of thought of a better way to celebrate my 12th birthday.

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